Bruce Malloch - Artist
Born Cottesloe, W.A. 1936

After leaving school Bruce Malloch went jackerooing in the North West, which led to him sketching his fellow stockmen, their horses and the surrounding unique landscape.

He later studied at the Perth Technical College before working as an art director within the advertising industry in Perth and Sydney.

For the last 46 years Bruce has been a professional artist and has gained a strong following  depicting the desolate inland towns and landscapes, as well as the people that inhabit them, the stockmen, miners and other colourful characters.

Bruce Malloch has held 23 successful solo exhibitions, mostly in Australia and has also exhibited his work in the U.K. and U.S.A. galleries.

Bruce Malloch Contact Details

Lot 85, Lalor Drive,
PO Box 324 (Postal Address)
Esperance, Western Australia 6450

Mobile: 0427 694 492